Musical Instruments
The "Shofar" - a Horn made from a horn
A "Shofar" is an ancient musical horn typically made of a ram's horn, used for Jewish religious purposes. I purchased the 18" one in our collection of instruments years ago at a local Museum store, now closed.
The articles provided here are:
- What is a Shofar? - a description of a Shofar.
Shofar Calls - sample calls (from a Wikipedia article)
- Shofar - WIKIPEDIA - an article describing the "instrument".
- Shofar Blowing - WIKIPEDIA - an article describing how to use the Shofar.
- Horn (Instrument) - WIKIPEDIA - an article that describes the general class of "Horn" instruments including those made from animal horns.
- WIKIHOW - Instructions for "How to Blow a Shofar"
- WIKIHOW - Instructions for how to "Put-Together-a-Passover-Seder-With-Non-Jewish-Friends"
(This one is just for me as we prepare for our "Maundy Thursday" observance at Easter time)