FHSWLIST - Form for Listing Name Records

This form is used to show a list of names from the current family file. Actually, there are two lists that are maintained by the program and may be viewed using this form. One is a list of all Name Records in the family file. The other is a list of "Selected" records. Initally the "Selected" list contains all name records but it can be altered in several ways to include: The results of a search operation, all relatives of an individual, all name records that have errors reported as a result of a file validation operation, et al.

The form is a "relocatable" and "sizable" form and both the location and size of the form are preserved when the form is removed from the screen. The form can be selected from form FHSWMAIN. It can also be used to select an ID number (as when creating relationship work files) and can be called from the FHSWSLCT form to show the results of a search operation.

The first time the form is displayed for the current family file, the list must be created. That may require several seconds, depending upon the size of the file. While that family file remains current, the form can be simply "hidden" when it is removed from the screen so that subsequent calls upon the form will not require rebuilding the list (unless name records have been added to the file).

The button labeled "><" on this form allows switching between viewing the list of all name records and the list of "Selected" records. The "caption" on the first or "Title" line of the form will indicate which list is being viewed. It will read "FHSWLIST - Name List" when viewing the list of all name records and "FHSWLIST - Select List" when viewing the "selected" list of names. Using this option will result in the list's being rebuilt so that the information displayed will show any changes that have been made in the names or dates since the last time the list was built. The number of records in the current list is shown in the upper left corner of the form.

The list can be shown in three different orders...identified by the "Sequence" selection list on the first line of the form. Clicking on the current order reveals the list of optional sequences: "ID Number", "Last, First" and "First Last", where "Last, First" indicates that the records are sorted by Surname and then Given name, and "First Last" indicates that the records are sorted by Given Name and then Surname. The list is rebuilt when you change the order by selecting another item in the list. NOTE: Separate "sequence" values are kept for the Full list of names and the list of Selected names.

Clicking the "Cancel" button (or pressing the ESCape or Enter keys) will cause the form to be hidden and will return control to the calling form. If you click the "X" button on the right side of the title line, then the form is removed from memory and the list will have to be rebuilt the next time that the form is called.

If the form is called as a result of pressing a button next to a field for entering an ID number, then you can scroll the list to reveal the name of the individual that you want to select, click on the name, and the form will be hidden and the ID number for the individual will be returned to the calling form.