FHSWSPSE - Form for Marriage/Family Record Display/Update

This is the form that is displayed when you click the "Spouse" button on form FHSWUPDT.

The form consists of four parts: An option line at the top, an area for selecting the marriage record to be displayed (when there are multiple marriage or family records), an area for showing the Family/Marriage record information, and a line of command buttons at the bottom. If there are no marriage records for the individual, then only the first two areas will be visible and the second area will contain the message: "No Family Record Present".

The option line at the top has the following buttons:

Below the option line is an area that is used for selecting the marriage record to display when there are multiple records for the individual. The currently displayed marriage record is identified by the message: "Family record #n of m". The "<-" and "->" buttons can be used to move to an earlier (or later) marriage record, if one is present.

The family/marriage record viewing area is similar to the one that has been used in earlier versions of FHS. When entering information into a new marriage record or updating an existing record, Date fields are treated as "Masked" fields in which the formatting characters in the date do not have to be entered. Only the numbers in the month, day and year portions of the date must be entered. To the right of the spouse ID number field is a "<" button which can be clicked to open form FHSWLIST for selecting the ID number of the spouse. The family/marriage record viewing area is disabled for update unless you have chosen to add a new family record or update an existing record.

The bottom line of the form has several "command buttons". These serve the same purpose as the "Function Key" options in earlier versions of FHS. The command options as identified by the caption on the button are:

While an existing or new family record is being updated, the command line consists of three buttons with captions: