FHSWTTFL - Form for Display/Update of Tiny Tafel Surname Table
This form is used to display a Surname Table created for producing a Tiny Tafel report or file. It appears after pressing the "Build Table" or "Show Table" button of form FHSWUPGM while processing the Tiny Tafel utility option. It provides for entering/updating "interest levels" for research of each Surname.
The Surname Table is shown in a "grid" format, with labeled data columns:
The last column shows the Surname or Soundex+Surname for the group (depending on the sorting option for the Index File used to create the Surname Table).
- DEL - which can be used to remove a line for that Surname group from the Tiny Tafel report or file by placing an "X" in the column
- # - which is the number of persons in the Surname group
- ABY - the earliest birth year for any person in the group
- AIL - the "Interest Level" for researching ancestors in the group
- DBY - the most recent birth year for any person in the group
- DIL - the "Interest Level" for researching descendants in the group
When first shown, the Command Buttons at the bottom are labeled: "Change Table", which allows you to modify information in the DEL, AIL and DIL columns, and "Return", which removes the form from the screen and returns control to the Utility program form, FORMUTIL. Although the information grid is initially disabled for updates, you can use the scroll bar on the right to move the segment of 10 displayed Surname groups up and down a long Surname Table.
If you press the "Change Table" button, the information grid is made available for update and the Command Buttons change to: "Save Changes" (which returns control to the Utility program form) and "End" which will terminate the "Update" mode but will leave the Surname Group Table display on the screen.
Upon return to the Utility program, if any changes were made, you will be asked if you want the changes to be recorded in the family file. If you reply "Y"es to the message, the AIL value will be recorded in the name record for the record with earliest birth year in the surname group and the DIL value will be recorded in the name record with the most recent birth year in the group. Those values will be used when creating a Tiny Tafel Surname Table in the future, as long as the records with earliest or most recent birth year in the group remain the same.
The form may be repositioned on the screen. The location on the screen when the form is removed and control returned to form FHSWUPGM will be the location that will be used for the next appearance of the form.