FHSWIN - Entering Family Information (continued)
I know that the use of so many different "Forms" for entering and viewing information in an FHS Family File may be disconcerting, especially as they may seem to "pop-up" at random locations, not exactly as shown here. But you have some control over this. Remember, all FORMs used are "moveable" by half-clicking the mouse cursor while it is on the top-line of a displayed form and "dragging it" to a preferred location. The location will be "remembered" the next time you use the form...even in a future working session. So you can make the arrangement of related forms whatever seems most "logical" to you.
Being able to "rearrange" the FORMs doesn't address the fact that there are so many of them (many more than shown here), but they are intended to provide for a very extensive variety and quantity of information for each individual data record as concisely as possible. That information includes optionally recorded multiple occurences of Educational, Occupational, Medical or Military experiences, with addresses and comments attached to each. There is also allowance for recording multiple occurances of special EVENTs.
Of course, getting your family information entered and stored on your computer is only half of what the Family History System is intended to accomplish. The other task is presenting that information in a format that is meaningful to you and others. That is the purpose of the Next Sections.
This ends the "Data Entry" section of "Getting Started"
Click to on to the next Section or to go back to the Startup Help Menu.