FHS - Family File Format

The purpose of this section is to satisfy the curiosity of the 2-3% of the users of the Family History System that want a more detailed description of the contents of the 3 datasets that comprise a family file. If the following discussion makes little sense to you, you are really none the worse for it.

First I should remind you that a family file is really composed of three datasets (or collections of records of information) that are interconnected by a system of program maintained "pointer" fields. Each of the datasets is a standard BASIC random access file. Therefore all of the records in each dataset are of the same length and each record can be directly accessed by its record number without having to read the records preceding it in the file. The three datasets that make up a family file are:

Each record in these datasets is further "logically" divided into a number of fixed position "fields" of information. The placement and purpose of each of these fields will be described below. In that description, each field will be assigned a "DATA TYPE" by a 2 character alphabetic symbol as follows:
As mentioned previously, POINTER FIELDS are used to logically connect two separate records in a family file. These fields are defined as single precision integers which has the effect of limiting the number of records in each of the family datasets to 32000. (Prior to January 1993 the name file was effectively limited to 9999 records because the onscreen data areas and the report fields for ID numbers allowed only 4 digits).

Each Family History System dataset has a "HEADER Record" (the first record in the dataset) whose first character identifies the type dataset it is. The header record has other fields which are used to store information needed by the system to process the dataset. Among these fields are 3 that indicate the date and time that the associated NAME dataset was CREATED. Using this DATE/TIME "Stamp" the programs can determine whether the family file datasets "go together" or "match". Each "work" file header record also contains the DATE/TIME identifying fields for the family file used to create the work file so that the programs will know whether a work file matches a particular family file. Note that the system can not distinguish (using the DATE/TIME fields) between family files which are copies of one another or which were created within the same minute of the same day. Therefore if you are creating several separate family files, you shouldn't initialize them all at the same time (or within a minute of each other anyway). You should also notice that the programs do not use the external name of the datasets to determine whether they go together. You may freely rename the datasets using the DOS RENAME command without affecting the way the system will handle them.

One more remark concerning POINTER Field values...the actual file record number of the record pointed to is found by adding 1 to the pointer field value. For example a pointer field which refers to the first NAME record will have a value of 1, although that NAME record is actually the 2nd record in the dataset because of the HEADER record at the beginning of the dataset.

Before presenting the record descriptions I should make one more comment concerning the stored formats for DATEs and TIMEs. The system stores all dates in two SI fields: One containing the value of the YEAR (YYYY) and a second which has the month and day combined according to the formula MM*100+DD. Similarly, a TIME (HH:MM) is stored in a single SI field using the formula HH*100+MM. (Better formulae would of course be: MM*256+DD and HH*256+MM, but I didn't think of that until after I had sent out the first version of the programs back in 1985.)

The record descriptions will be presented for each of the family file datasets in tables which have the following (unlabeled) columns:

  NAME DATASET - each record is 100 bytes (characters) long
        0  AC  FTYPE - File Type="N"
        1  SI  NTYPE - Name File Format
             		     (="0" for Original Format; ="1" for Long Place Name support)
        3  SI  MAXID - largest ID# currently in the file
        5  SI  CREYR - Year that the file was created
        7  SI  CREMD - Month and Day that the file was created
        9  SI  CRETM - Hour and Minute that the file was created
       11  SI  UPDYR - Year that the Name Dataset was last updated
       13  SI  UPDMD - Month and Day that the dataset was updated
       15  SI  CHDTY - Year that record change indicators were reset
       17  SI  CHDMD - Month and Day that change indicators were reset
       19  SI  CHCT1 - # Name Records changed since last reset
       21  SI  CHCT2 - # Extended Records changed since last reset

      (Record PREFIX)
        0  AC  RTYPE - Record Type=ASCII 01
        1  SI  RID   - Record ID # (actual record number=RID+1)
        3  SI  FID   - Father's ID # or 0
        5  SI  MID   - Mother's ID # or 0
        7  SI  OLDCH - RID of Oldest Child or 0
        9  SI  FYSIB - RID of younger sibling with same father
       11  SI  MYSIB - RID of younger sibling with same mother
       13  SI  PLACE - RNO of Birth/Death PLACE record in ".OTH"
       15  SI  LFAM  - RNO of latest SPOUSE or FAMILY record in ".OTH"
       17  SI  ADOPT - an unimplemented pointer field intended to
                       provide a more satisfactory handling of adoptions
       19  SI  ADRS  - RNO of latest individual residence in ".ADR"
       21  SI  COM   - RNO of first comment line in ".OTH"
       23  SI  EDUC  - RNO of latest education record in ".OTH"
       25  SI  WORK  - RNO of latest occupation record in ".OTH"
       27  SI  MIL   - RNO of latest military record in ".OTH"
       29  SI  HLTH  - RNO of latest medical record in ".OTH"
       31  SI  EVENT - RNO of first Event record in ".OTH"
       33  BM  STAT1 - STATUS Field
           ......01 - FID status is * (adoptive relationship)
           ......10 - FID status is ?
           ....01.. - MID status is * (adoptive relationship)
           ....10.. - MID status is ?
           ..01.... - Birth date status is ?
           ..10.... - Birth date status is !
           01...... - Death date status is ?
           10...... - Death date status is !
       34  BM  STAT2 - STATUS Field
           1....... - Married woman uses own surname
           .1...... - Name Record Change bit
           ..1..... - Extended Name Record Change bit
           ......01 - Ancestor Interest level 1
           ......10 - Ancestor Interest level 2
           ......11 - Ancestor Interest level 3
           ....01.. - Descendant Interest level 1
           ....10.. - Descendant Interest level 2
           ....11.. - Descendant Interest level 3
      35  SI  FILL  - an unused pointer (or flag) field which will
                      probably never be used because very early
                      versions of the file update program left
                      "garbage" in it.  The file validation program
                      currently sets it to "0" if it does have a
                      non-zero value in it.
      (Record DATA)
      37  AC  SEX   - individual's sex (M or F usually)
      38  SI  BDYR  - year of birth
      40  SI  BDMD  - month and day of birth
      42  SI  BTM   - time of birth
      44  SI  DDYR  - year of death (9999 if unknown)
      46  SI  DDMD  - month and day of death
      48  SI  DTM   - time of death
      50  AC  SURNM - Surname
      70  AC  GIVEN - Given Name
     100 (end of record)

ADDRESS DATASET - each record is 108 bytes for Short Format address records or 152 bytes for the Long Format. 1. HEADER RECORD 0 AC FTYPE - File Type="A" 1 SI ATYPE - Address Format (="0" for Short Format, ="1" for long format) 3 SI MAXRN - highest RNO of address record currently in file 5 SI CREYR - Year that the file was created 7 SI CREMD - Month and Day that the file was created 9 SI CRETM - Hour and Minute that the file was created 11 SI UPDYR - Year that the Address Dataset was last updated 13 SI UPDMD - Month and Day that the dataset was updated 15 SI FCHNB - first record in chain of free (or deleted) recs 17 SI FCHNC - number of records on free (reusable) chain 2. ADDRESS RECORD (Record Prefix) 0 AC RTYPE - Record Type=ASCII 02 1 SI RNO - Record number (actual file record number=RNO+1) 3 AC SRTYP - RTYPE of record to which address refers 4 SI SRNO - RNO (or RID) of record to which address refers 6 SI NXTAD - RNO of next most recent address record 8 SI COM - RNO of first comment line in ".OTH" (Record DATA - "Short" Format) 10 SI BGNYR - Year of beginning date for address 12 SI BGNMD - Month and Day of beginning date for address 14 SI ENDYR - Year of ending date for address 16 SI ENDMD - Month and Day of ending date for address 18 SI ACODE - 3 digit area code for phone number 20 SI PRFX - 3 digit prefix for phone number 22 SI SUFX - 4 digit suffix for phone number 24 AC LINE1 - First line of address 54 AC LINE2 - Second line of address 84 AC CITY - City name 99 AC STATE - State 103 AC ZIP - 5 digit ZIP Code 108 (end of record) (Record DATA - "Long" Format) 10 SI BGNYR - Year of beginning date for address 12 SI BGNMD - Month and Day of beginning date for address 14 SI ENDYR - Year of ending date for address 16 SI ENDMD - Month and Day of ending date for address 18 AC PHONE - Phone Number 32 AC LINE1 - First line of address 62 AC LINE2 - Second line of address 92 AC CITY - City name 112 AC STATE - State 124 AC POST - ZIP/Postal Code 136 AC CNTRY - Country 152 (end of record)
MISCELLANEOUS INFO DATASET - each record is 50 bytes long 1. HEADER RECORD 0 AC FTYPE - File Type="M" 1 SI 3 SI MAXRN - highest RNO of record currently in file 5 SI CREYR - Year that the file was created 7 SI CREMD - Month and Day that the file was created 9 SI CRETM - Hour and Minute that the file was created 11 SI UPDYR - Year that the Address Dataset was last updated 13 SI UPDMD - Month and Day that the dataset was updated 15 SI FCHNB - first record in chain of free (or deleted) recs 17 SI FCHNC - number of records on free (reusable) chain 2. SPOUSE or FAMILY RECORD (Record Prefix) 0 AC RTYPE - Record Type=ASCII 03 1 SI RNO - Record number (actual file record number=RNO+1) 3 AC SRTYP - RTYPE of record to which marriage record is attached (ASC 01) 4 SI SP1ID - RID of one spouse 6 SI SP1NX - RNO of next earlier family record for spouse 1 8 SI ADRS - RNO of most recent address record for family 10 SI COM - RNO of first comment line (Record Data) 12 SI MDTYR - Year of marriage 14 SI MDTMD - Month and Day of marriage 16 SI EDTYR - Year of termination of marriage 18 SI EDTMD - Month and Day of termination of marriage 20 SI PLACE - RNO of Marriage/Divorce place record 22 SI SP2ID - RID of second spouse 24 SI SP2NX - RNO of next earlier family record for spouse 2 26 AC BSTAT - Description of beginning status (e.g."Married") 38 AC ESTAT - Description of ending status (e.g. "Wife died") 50 (end of record) 3. BIRTH/DEATH or MARRIAGE PLACE RECORD (original Style - 22 character place names) (Record Prefix) 0 AC RTYPE - Record Type=ASCII 04 1 SI RNO - Record number (actual file record number=RNO+1) 3 AC SRTYP - RTYPE of record to which place names refer 4 SI SRNO - RNO (or RID) of record to which place names refer (Record Data) 6 AC PLAC1 - Birth place or beginning marriage place 28 AC PLAC2 - Death place or ending marriage place 50 (end of record) 4. PLACE NAME RECORD (New Style - August 98 - 41 character place names) (Record Prefix) 0 AC RTYPE - Record Type=ASCII 12 1 SI RNO - Record number (actual file record number=RNO+1) 3 AC SRTYP - RTYPE of record to which place name refers 4 SI SRNO - RNO (or RID) of record to which place name refers (Record Data) 6 SI PLNXT - Next Place Name for source record 8 AC PTYPE - Type of Place Record (x'01'=Birth, x'02' =Death, x'03'=Marriage, x'04'=Divorce) 9 AC PLACE - Place Name 50 (end of record) 5. COMMENT RECORD (Record Prefix) 0 AC RTYPE - Record Type=ASCII 05 1 SI RNO - Record number (actual file record number=RNO+1) 3 AC SRTYP - RTYPE of record to which comment refers 4 SI SRNO - RNO (or RID) of record to which comment refers 6 SI FPTR - RNO of next comment record (=0 in last record) 8 SI BPTR - RNO of previous comment record (in first record=total # of comment lines) 10 SI CCNT - counter field 12 AC TEXT - text of comment line 50 (end of record) 6. EVENT RECORD (Record Prefix) 0 AC RTYPE - Record Type - ASCII value 06 (or 11) 1 SI RNO - Record number (actual file record number=RNO+1) 3 SI SRNO - RID of NAME record to which information applies 5 SI SRC - (Unimplemented) pointer to record in Source File 7 SI COM - RNO of first line of comments for event 9 SI SRNX - (Unimplemented) pointer to nxt ref for same source (Record Data) 11 BI IMPT - Importance Level (0-255) 12 SI D1Y - Year of Event Date 14 SI D1MD - Month and Day of Event 16 AC DSTA - Character indicating date "status" (>,<, etc.) 17 AC CODE - Event Code 25 AC PLAC - Event Place 47 (end of record) 7. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION RECORDS (Record Prefix) 0 AC RTYPE - Record Type ASCII value 07 = Education Record 08 = Work Record 09 = Military Record 10 = Medical or Health Record 1 SI RNO - Record number (actual file record number=RNO+1) 3 AC SRTYP - ASCII 01 4 SI SRNO - RID of NAME record to which information applies 6 SI NXTAD - RNO of next most recent record of same type 8 SI ADRS - RNO of most recent address record 10 SI COM - RNO of first line of comments (Record Data - all record types) 12 SI BGNYR - Year of beginning date for information 14 SI BGNMD - Month and Day of beginning date for information 16 SI ENDYR - Year of ending date for information 18 SI ENDMD - Month and Day of ending date for information (Record Data for Education) 20 AC LEVEL - Level of Education (e.g. "H.S.", "COLLEGE") 28 AC SUB1 - Major Subject #1 37 AC SUB2 - Major Subject #2 46 AC DEG - Degree earned ("A.A.", "B.S.", "PhD.") 50 (end of record) (Record Data for Occupation) 20 AC OCCUP - Description of type work ("farmer", "lawyer") 50 (end of record) (Record Data for Military Info) 20 AC RANK - Description of military rank 42 AC STAT - Ending Status ("RETIRED", "MIA") 50 (end of record) (Record Data for Medical Info) 20 AC DIAG - Diagnosed condition 42 AC STAT - Ending Status ("cured", "outgrown", "death") 50 (end of record)