FHSWEVNT - Form for Display and Update of EVENT Records

This is the form that is displayed when you click the "Events" button on form FHSWUPDT. (Note: The caption on that button will be in Bold print if Event Records already exist for that Name record.)

The form consists of two parts: An area in which the list of EVENT records is shown and a line of Command Buttons at the bottom. The number of Events in the list is shown at the left of the command button line. The viewing area allows up to 8 Events to be shown. If there are more, a "scroll bar" will be shown on the right that can be used to move up and down the list.

While the Marriage Record and Miscellaneous Records allow recording significant periods in a person's life, with Starting and Ending dates, the EVENT record allows recording significant occurrences at a particular date and place. Originally, it was intended for events such as Baptism, BarMitzvah, Engagement or Burial. The "recognized events" are included in the EVENTS Table in the FHS System Tables.

When you select "Events" for an individual with no existing records, the area will be prepared for entering the first event record with command buttons for "Save" and "Cancel". The Event type will show as "Unknown". Clicking on this type will open a list of Event Types from which you may select one. The description of the selected event type will appear on the right side of the Event line. Other data items that you can enter are: "IMP" (a 0-9 number indicating the level of IMPortance), "Date" (that the event occurred), "ST" (the "STatus" of the date which can have values of "!", "?" or blank, as for dates in the Name and Marriage records) and "Place" (which is the name of the Place where the event occurred...which can be 23 or 41 characters, depending on the status of support for "Long Place Names" in the Family File). The "COM" field will normally show a "Y" if there are Comments or Notes attached to the Event. If you select "Save" an Event record will be created and the Command Buttons will appear as shown above.

If the viewing area shows the list of existing records (with a "scroll bar" on the right if there are more than 8 events in the list) you can use the Mouse to select an event that you would like to work with. With the mouse pointer over an event line, press the mouse button down and the line will be hilited, when you release the mouse button the hiliting will be removed but the data item over which the mouse pointer had been will be "selected". You can then use a Command Button to indicate what you want to do with that event.

The following paragraphs describe the purpose of the Command Buttons:

NOTE Concerning "Recognized Events": You will notice that "BIRTH", "MARRIAGE" and "DEATH" are in the "EVENTS Table" though these events are covered by other FHS Records. The justification would be that the EVENT records may show different "occurences" for the event from different sources that were encountered during research. COMments attached to the Event Record could identify the source. The "IMPotance" level could reflect a confidence level in the source. The "CENSUS" event could also record information discovered during research.

The ability to add entries to the "EVENTS Table" will be provided in a later update, although changes that you make to that table would make your Family File dependent upon those changes if you share your FHS Family File datasets with others. The actual Event codes used in a Family File will be included in the exported EVENT information if you share data with a GEDCOM file, although other FHS users who receive the GEDCOM file would have to add new Event Codes to their own Event table to properly handle them.